Uber in Lausanne: 2 years already

Uber in Lausanne, it has started, I think, a Thursday. January 29, 2015. It will be 2 years old at the end of this week. Initially only with UberPOP, a formula which claims to be a relationship of"private individuals", then with UberX, a service that, unlike UberPOP, connects passengers and drivers with a professional driver's license. Today (but) both UberPOP and UberX services coexist in Lausanne, or more precisely from Allaman to Montreux, to Vevey, Morges, whereas there is no such thing as UberPOP in Geneva.

But even if everyone hears talk very regularly in the media, in general and increasingly not good, the service that offers Uber is not yet known by all. Let's start with a description:

Uber, in practice, it's a smartphone, Android or iOS application that allows a 'passenger' to order a 'driver '. The client, helped by its GPS position, indicates the place of support as well as the desired destination. The system transfers the request to a driver in the area, which will be supported up to 4 people to lead them to the destination of their choice.

Concretely, Uber has many practical advantages pure the passenger, for example:

  • The passenger has, even before having control, a reliable estimate of the time of his driver, the price and the duration of the race.
  • There is no transaction in "cash" between the passenger and the driver: the passenger will be charged to his credit card or Paypal account immediately at the end of the race, depending on the distance and the duration of the trip.
  • At the end of the race, the passenger is provided with the track of the exact route.
  • The system exists universally in hundreds of cities worldwide. With the same application, you can order a vehicle in Lausanne, Washington, London or Marrakesh.
  • Each race is rated both by the driver and the passenger. The drivers or passengers with bad grades are excluded from the system, which, and other guarantees a quality of service ceretaine and some security.
  • Uber, everyone says, it's much more fun than a taxi. And cheaper, too.

Before we talk about the reverse of the Medal, and for those whose curiosity has been titillated, Quelbazar is pleased to offer a free race for any new registration, with a value of 15 francs, valid in Switzerland.

There is a 'but '. Uber, attractive as is at the level of the service provided, does not please everyone:

The grumbling of the conventional taxi companies, which, rather than complain of unfair competition, should react in a more constructive and more coordinated way to the arrival of a new type of mobility which, it is true, partly compete their service will be addressed briefly. But Lausanne taxis have such a deficit of image that they must first work to improve their reputation and their service: Uber or other, the market opens, and it's not camping on positions of other times they will prepare to some competition, when it becomes legal.

Because Uber, in the eyes of the law, is legally very disputed. Mainly because the authorities consider UberPOP as a business driver, if the pace of the races is higher… more than one by 16 days. And who said professional transport of people said allowed professional ad-hoc and special equipment of the vehicle. So, in Lausanne, UberPOP drivers are regarded as outlaws by the authorities.

The case seems a bit different for UberX: the drivers are in possession of a professional licence and their vehicle equipped with a tachometer. There are, to my knowledge, legally tolerated.

But no worries for passengers: be it with UberPOP or UberX, the legality of the use of this service is not called into question.

Uber, it's a colossal machine that advances, such a steamroller, surfing on the 'cutting edge' of legality. Its financial resources and its 'business model' enable, for example, to pay fines of UberPOP drivers, what is ethically, you will agree, questionable…

Increasingly, they are themselves Uber drivers who denounce poor conditions of compensation. As an example, an article recently denounced the fact that, in France, a driver should work 60 hours a week for a decent income. The United States also, Uber has been recognized guilty of false advertising to its drivers. Recently doubts on the future financial health of Uber have been felt. And the icing on the cake, Trump, him again, playing the spoilsport inside the company.

Uber, is therefore a very efficient, but disputed service. Besides, in Lausanne, an insistent rumor begins to run: UberPOP would stop its activities end January 2017, to leave room for UberX only. Rumor based or not? Answer in a few days!

Happy birthday Uber Lausanne!

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