Fix his Kärcher in lessons 3, 2013 release. Or not.

Fix his Kärcher in lessons 3, 2013 release. Or not.

June 16, 2007, is 6 years ago almost to the day, was on Quelbazar an article explaining, illustrations to support, how to repair a high-pressure Karcher K3 in 2 lessons. An article to great success, since it alone accounts for about 13% of visits on this site. 50'000 visits, so. With a rush each spring, it's fun:

The statistics learn us so that people do not use their Kärcher in winter, and that, when they come this spring, it's broken. So that the Kärcher, it can't stand the cold. Statistics, it's magic, I tell you. Unfortunately, these 50'000 readers will have noticed that the article concludes that I'm a poor handyman, and that my repair, also documented, will be held in about 30 seconds. Where my update:

A Kärcher, it be stored frost-free in the winter. It often breaks down, and the repair will cost more than a new one. Yes, the Kärcher also came in an era of disposable. Like the razors and the iPhone.

So do not try to repair a Kärcher. Buy a new one. And, as long as to do, there are other brands. Who, with me, never fell down. Online, there are, for example, these merchants that sell:


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