News of the web views by Quelbazar: 12.12.2015

Over the web, the readings and news recommended by Quelbazar these last time:
Representative survey of employees Switzerland and 85% of the Swiss population Demoscope wants a working time entry: Zürich (ots) – Despite – or just because-increasing flexibilisation of the world of work, the Swiss want to clearly demonstrate the working time they provide. Working time and leisure merge more and more. –
Adele sold 2.3 million copies of 25 in a single weekend: Sorry, * NSYNC fans: Adele's new album 25 is going to sell more copies in the US in its first week than any other album in modern history. According to Billboard and Nielsen Music, the British superstar's first album in nearly half a decade has sold at least 2. –
Google Fit update brings Android users real-time tracking exercise: Google Fit has been updated with several new features that make Android phones and smartwatches today more capable fitness trackers. The app now tracks real-time stats for runs, walks, and bike rides; takes strength training into account; and documents nutrition and sleep. –
The video of the future will be vertical?: mobile is today the first screen. We got him in the hand, all right. Result: the pages are presented vertically. –