'Various' Web news seen by Quelbazar: 29.10.2015

Over the web, the readings and various news advised by Quelbazar lately:
Popcorn Time: the ' Netflix for piracy' that refuse to die: Most of us think of when we think of streaming movies and TV shows Netflix, but over the past year and a half, a competitor has emerged: one that's almost as easy to use, doesn't charge a thing, and – you spoke it – steals everything it streams. –http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/23/9603070/popcorn-time-movie-piracy-app
Law on gambling – Position of the federal Council: the federal Council wants to submit all gambling to one law to ensure greater consistency. It has adopted on Wednesday a draft law to Parliament, which incorporates proven current legislation regulations and presents an innovative character, at the same time allowing for example gambling houses also offer their online games. –https://www.news.admin.ch/message/index.html?lang=fr&msg-id=59169
Law on gambling – Position of Loterie Romande: Lausanne (ots) – La Loterie Romande takes note of the draft submitted to Parliament and stresses the need to undermine the text with amendments that would affect the competitiveness of lotteries. –http://www.presseportal.ch/fr/pm/100001627/100779451
Law on gambling – casinos Position: Bern (ots) – the branch of casinos welcomes generally the message adopted today by the federal Council on the Gambling Act. The Bill has been improved as a whole compared to the draft presented for consultation. –http://www.presseportal.ch/fr/pm/100003054/100779448
Google Maps Now Lets You Add A Stop Along Your Route, Check Gas Prices: Google announced today it's rolling out year update to its Google Maps mobile app that will (finally!) allow users to add a stop along their current road. –http://techcrunch.com/2015/10/20/google-maps-now-lets-you-add-a-stop-along-your-route-check-gas-prices/
Musical Robots of the Maison d'Ailleurs at the Docks in Lausanne: the ROBOTS of the Maison d'Ailleurs invest the Docks through reproduced in large format vinyl covers. –http://www.lausanne.ch/site-lausanne/agenda-actualites/agenda-principal/EventDetail.html
Uber is using Microsoft's old fleet of cars to improve its maps Bing data: After acquiring Microsoft's mapping technology and roughly 100 Bing engineers earlier this year, Uber has dispatched its own fleet of crewed vehicles in year attempt to improve upon its own maps backend. –http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/19/9570259/uber-mapping-cars
89% of users are not of enough calcium, a nutrient key to good bone health: the calculator shows that 89% of users are not of enough calcium, a nutrient key to good bone health. –http://www.presseportal.ch/fr/pm/100021616/100779326
Is The Root Of All Evil Uber?: It is a truth universally acknowledged, the enlightened liberal semi-socialist California circles in which I move, that Uber is evil often. –http://techcrunch.com/2015/10/17/is-uber-the-root-of-all-evil/
Run does not always rhyme with weight loss: running is made for everyone? His current popularity prompted to answer in the affirmative. To be convinced, just take the time to walk around a lake and observe the dance of the runners. –http://www.letemps.ch/lifestyle/2015/10/16/courir-ne-rime-toujours-maigrir
The 25 best movies of the past 25 years according to IMDb: to celebrate its 25 years, the American website IMDb aka Internet Movie Database, has unveiled a ranking compiling the best 25 films for each of the last 25 years based on the tastes of its users, who have the opportunity to note the productions. –http://www.konbini.com/fr/entertainment-2/25-meilleurs-films-imdb/