Federal Council photo 2023: Good cooperation with different points of view

Bern, 31.12.2022 – The Federal Chancellery has published the official Federal Council photo 2023. With the picture by photographer Matthieu Gafsou from Vaud, Federal Councillor Alain Berset wants to show that the members of the Federal Council work well together despite different points of view and work together for Switzerland.
The photo shows the seven members of the Federal Council and the Federal Chancellor at a large table: they form a college, but also interact in small groups. The landscape in the background symbolizes the outside world and connects the actions of the Federal Council with those of the people. For the image, photographer Matthieu Gafsou drew inspiration from 17th century genre painting and the Düsseldorf School of Photography. He gathered all the members of the Federal Council and the Federal Chancellor in the Bernerhof, where the photo was taken.
On the table are a compass, a map of Switzerland and a bound copy of the Federal Constitution. In 2023, the Federal Constitution, on which the Federal Council bases its actions, can celebrate its 175th anniversary. The leaves flying around the room bear a poem by Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz and discreetly symbolize the chaos and tensions in the world that seem much more present today than in the past.
“In a time of uncertainties and crises, the official Federal Council photo is meant to convey security and at the same time appear sober. It should show that the Federal Council forms a unit and works well together, even though its members have different points of view,” said Federal Councillor Alain Berset. As President of the Swiss Confederation for 2023, he is on an equal footing with the other members of the Federal Council, but represents the government externally and chairs its meetings.
The official Federal Council photo was printed in an edition of 40,000 copies. It can be downloaded and ordered at www.admin.ch. There, a short film shows how the Federal Council photo was created.