9 tips for finding a cheap mobile phone operator
The Swiss mobile phone market is not as closed as we think: in addition to the three “main” mobile operators in the country, there are dozens of “virtual” operators (the “MVNOs”) that use the Swisscom, Salt or Sunrise networks. So we have a multitude of different formulas or subscriptions. Everyone will find their happiness in different offers according to their type of use: We do not have the same needs if one is commercial traveling often abroad or ADO on Snapchat and Instagram. Traditionally, the three “main” operators are not cost-competitive. But they are the ones who own most of the market. The Swiss are very conservative! However, salt or Swisscom are trying to attract customers by lowering their costs: Salt with one-off promotions, Swisscom with subscriptions that stand out from the competition, for example those launched in February 2019 that integrate 40 GB of roaming data: They concern a very specific user profile. For “standard” use mainly in Switzerland, MVNO offers are always the most advantageous. Historically, the most attractive offers have been found on: We will mention the Alao site which brings together a good part of the current promotions of the different mobile operators. UPC Mobile: On the Swisscom network, subscriptions at 9.90 (unlimited calls and SMS, 500MB data, no roaming included), 19.90 (unlimited calls and SMS, 2GB data, no roaming included) or 29.90 (unlimited calls and SMS, 40GB data, no roaming included) or offers at 39.90 or 59.90 with data roaming included. Wingo: On the Swisscom network. Swisscom’s low-cost brand. Regular canon offers. Yallo: On the Sunrise network, subscriptions from 25 frs, regularly sold at 50 or 60% Note: Status as of March 4, 2021. But beware, the offers change very regularly, For more up-to-date offers, this page of Quelbazar will inform you. Finally, it may be interesting to take a look at Coop Mobile or M-Budget Mobile to check the offers of the moment. To help you in your thinking, 9 points:
- Coverage: Recurring topic in advertising campaigns, the “quality of the network” and its coverage: Each operator claims the best network, relying on different “independent” tests. We notice however that each test has different criteria, and… Different results. In any case, all Swiss operators have much higher coverage and network qualities than European averages. This is not a very important criterion, except in particular cases.
- The flow rate: Here too, the three operators currently have “LTE+” technologies that offer the best speeds.However, beware of Swisscom, which includes a different maximum speed depending on its subscriptions: Cheap Swisscom mobile subscriptions have “very low” data speeds and insufficient for video streaming, for example.
- MVNOs: “Virtual” operators, i.e. they do not have a mobile network infrastructure, but rent it to one of the 3 main operators. The offer is very diversified, and generally more advantageous than the main operators. See above for some MVNO who regularly have advantageous offers.
- Subscription periods: Pay attention to the minimum subscription periods: They can be very short (2 months) or very long (2 years). In return, a longer period of time can represent some advantages (SIM card offered, mobile phone cheaper) but one is then blocked at an operator. The pros and cons must be weighed well. Quelbazar recommends shorter, much more flexible durations.
- Mobile phones “offered”: Many operators push the consumer to commit to subscription periods of 12 or 24 months, offering “cheaper” phones in return. But do the math: It’s never a gift! The discount on the phone will be systematically carried over to the monthly cost of the subscription and the duration of the contract. Very often it’s a bad plan, so.
- Roaming: Current trend, subscriptions include more and more “data” packages valid in Europe. It is attractive and flexible, but the vast majority of users do not need it: For someone who spends 10 to 15 days a year abroad, the occasional purchase of a “data package abroad” will be cheaper than the monthly extra cost of a subscription ” Including roaming “
- Subscription or prepay? : For the small consumer, a “prepay” card will be more advantageous than a subscription. One of the disadvantages of the prepay and that you can not change the supplier by keeping its number, unless you switch from “prepay” to subscription.
- After-sales service: In general, there is not much need for after-sales service for a mobile phone subscription. It is noted, however, that this is one of the areas where low cost operators seek to save money: their telephone hotline is sometimes paid and/or ineffective.
- Do not hesitate to change operators often! It’s a simple procedure: The future operator takes care of the steps to take over the old number and coordinate the change with your current operator. Be careful, however, to respect the minimum contractual terms: If you request a change of operator when you have not reached the minimum duration of your old contract, you will have to pay the remaining months to your former operator. One more reason to focus on short contract terms!