New on Play Suisse: Animated series “A Case for Maëlys” and other content for the whole family
The animated series “A Case for Maëlys,” in which ten-year-old Maëlys and her best friend Lucien solve all kinds of mysteries, is now available on the SRG streaming platform Play Suisse. In addition, there are 14 films and series to discover in the Swimlane “Festive cinema for the whole family” for movie nights together. These include the animated film “Titeuf – the Movie” (2011), the drama “Vitus” (2006) and the comedy “Mein Name ist Eugen” (2005).
“A Case for Maëlys” tells of the adventures of ten-year-old girl Maëlys, who loves solving mysteries with her best friend Lucien. Together, the two travel all over the country exploring castles, museums and all kinds of sights.
The animated cartoon series is based on the books by Christine Pompéï and Raphaëlle Barbanègre and was directed by Jean-Marc Duperrex (“Rough Road” 2005). Co-produced by RTS and the Geneva-based video production company Nadasdy Films, the series consists of 30 short episodes of eleven minutes each and is aimed at children between the ages of five and ten. The first nine episodes of “A Case for Maëlys” are available now in French, German and Italian on the Play Suisse streaming platform.
Movies and series for the whole family
There is exciting content not only for the very young viewers: The Swimlane “Festive cinema for the whole family” offers 14 films and series that young and old can enjoy together, including:
The drama “Azzurro” (2000), about 75-year-old Giuseppe and his seven-year-old granddaughter Carla, who has gone blind due to an illness.
The animated film “The Blue Arrow” (1996), which tells the story of the little witch Befana, who gives presents to children in Italy on Epiphany, and her assistant Doctor Scarafoni, who is supposed to substitute for her due to the flu.
The comedy “Anna annA” (1992), in which the main character Anna accidentally copies herself and now plays a secret game of hide and seek with her doppelganger.
For the Play Suisse streaming platform, users can register free of charge at and then access SRG content and co-productions (films, series, documentaries, archive material) in German, French, Italian and Romansh.