Covid-19: launch of vaccination in business on Vaud
The canton of Vaud is further expanding its cantonal vaccination system by offering companies in the canton the opportunity to vaccinate their employees and their families. The concept developed in collaboration with the canton’s economic ridges aims to allow each company to participate, regardless of its size and infrastructure. In-house vaccination begins this week with a pilot phase.
Since 26 April, vaccination has been open to the entire resident population aged 18 and over, and since 17 May to 16-17 year olds. With the availability of vaccines in sufficient quantities, all criteria are now met to give companies the opportunity to organize the vaccination of their staff. “This new opportunity is a complement to the existing offer. With fourteen vaccination centres, a large number of pharmacies, medical practices, mobile teams of the Vaud Civil Protection who have been visiting some 30 municipalities since 18 May, and now vaccination in business, the cantonal system is intended to be close to people throughout the Vaud territory,” stress State Councillors Rebecca Ruiz and Béatrice Métraux.
The concept developed in collaboration with Vaud companies and economic ridges specifies the conditions to be met. Vaccination is a voluntary act and the Township has set as a condition that the employee’s free choice be respected. Another prerequisite is that participating companies must be located and domiciled in vaud territory. In order to organize vaccination directly on their site, they must provide vaccination for at least 300 people and benefit from an occupational health service or collaboration with a doctor outside the company. With vaccines currently available requiring strict storage conditions, the company must have a drug refrigerator that meets the requirements.
In order to find out the interest of companies to join the scheme, a survey was organized via the ridges. To date, seven companies wish to organise vaccination on their site and 59 have applied for easy access to the Beaulieu and Montreux centres. Companies wishing to join the device will find all the information useful at the address and can express their interest by email: company.covidvaccination (at)
Vaccination in the company is aimed at the active employees of the company residing or not residing in the canton, including the border workers, as well as retired employees of the company domiciled in the canton. Family members residing under the same roof (legal residence in the canton) can also benefit. People suffering from a high-risk or at-risk disease according to the criteria of the SOPH as well as employees with a history of severe allergy are not eligible for vaccination in the company and must go through the cantonal system.
In order to also offer easier access to vaccination to companies that do not meet these criteria, group or individual appointments can be arranged in the centres of Beaulieu and Montreux in reserved beaches. Companies must draw up a list of employees wishing to benefit from it.
Pilot phase
A pilot phase is underway at Bobst in Mex. As of Monday, May 17, approximately 30 employees and their family members have been vaccinated in the company’s infrastructure. Jean-Pascal Bobst, Managing Director of the Bobst Group: “We are very pleased to be able to offer vaccination on a voluntary basis to our employees and their families. We believe it is our social responsibility to facilitate the vaccination of as many people as possible in order to quickly return to as normal a professional and private life as possible.». The system will be fully operational at the end of May.
The Council of State and the health authorities recall that the faster the number of Vaudoises and Vaudois vaccinated, the sooner easing and then a return to normal life can be envisaged. The population can register via the website or the Canton hotline 058 715 11 00.
Press release of the State of Vaud – Source and details